Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hall of the Bulls, Lascaux

I have always been fascinated by prehistoric art. the lengths that these early people went to in order to depict these images is truly astounding. they are usually found deep inside caves and high above where any human could reach on their own. the mystery surrounding their purpose is intriguing too. clearly the images were of great importance, but why? were they religious, as some people suggest, were they involved in some sort of initiation rite? or were they intended for something else entirely?

this is a photo of one of the most well known examples of prehistoric art: the hall of the bulls in Lascaux, France. while it is no longer open to visitors, due to preservation efforts, there is a replica and a museum situated right next to the original cave.


ps, excuse my short, not complex sentences. I'm still sick, and in a caffeinated/sudafed induced fog.

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